10 Essential React Components You Should Be Using in Every Project

Using React, you build powerful and efficient web applications with dynamic user interfaces that not only elevate the site performance but boost user engagement and bring more conversions.
The component-based architecture, Virtual DOM, and vast community tempt the developers to utilize React for building front-end applications. However, understanding basic things is a must-have to begin with React development.
Before you hire dedicated React developers for your project, self-learn yourself about the essential tools and components of React that help build irresistible applications. You will meet developers who claim to be the masters of React web development but certain things need to be viewed to check their mastery.
Here are the 10 essential React components that must be incorporated into your project to achieve better performance and user experience. Learn about these core components, and it will ensure a smooth hiring process for React developers.
10 Essential React Components
- Header Component
In the Header component, there is the main navigation for your application. The header component is mostly the house for the elements like the logo, search bar, and buttons that lead to other application pages.
The header component must be reusable. A reusable header component ensures a consistent structure and design across all pages.
- Footer Component
The footer component is also a crucial element of any application. It contains information like copyright notices, social media links, links to the less important pages of the site, contact information, a location map, etc.
A well-designed and reusable footer component ensures uniformity across all the site pages and remains accessible at the bottom of each page.
- Form Component
The form component in React is used when the user signs up, signs in, registers, or any sort of data collection is required. A form is made to handle various input fields, perform validation, and submit logic.
Adapting the form component, one can use it as a reusable component in multiple places in the project.
- Button Component
You must have witnessed several buttons on different pages of the application. Buttons are reusable components and building them as reusable components allows you to promote consistency, styling, and functionality in the entire application.
- Card Component
Displaying information in a structured and visually appealing manner was never this easy before. Nowadays, this can be accomplished by implementing card components that help in listing products, showing user profiles, or displaying blog posts.
- Modal Component
When you need to present some content in a pop-up window on a current screen, the Model component comes into play. It displays content in displaying forms, warnings, or additional information.
You can reuse this component for different purposes.
- Spinner/Loader Component
During asynchronous operations like fetching data or submitting forms, loading indicators play a crucial role. A reusable Spinner or Loader component can be built and displayed while the background processes are taking place.
This component makes the users aware that something is happening in the system rather than they keep reloading or guessing what’s goind on.
- List Component
Quite often, various applications require showing lists of something, for instance, products, users, or articles. A List component manages to display elements in an orderly fashion given a set of items.
This makes it easy to use the different types of data when setting the props, and display them all using the same component without redoing a lot of logic.
- Error Boundary Component
Another important piece of building your React application is the Error Boundary component since unexpected errors can occur. It is just a simple container that deals with errors thrown in its child components, instead of letting the whole application fall; it shows some sort of UI like an error message.
This component plays an important role in making your application more resilient and user experience better in case of failure.
- Context Provider Component
The Context Provider piece is connected with the React Context API, it is an instrument that lets transfer the specific piece of data from the top level of the application to the bottom without passing it manually through all levels zone. This component can be useful for many things, but primarily it is good for anything global, for instance, state or configurations like themes, and user management.
Wrapping Up!
These 10 React components are considered to be the most vital for enhancing the project’s performance, functionality, and user experience. By creating the above components and making them reusable, helps developers a lot in coding and speeds up the development process.